Math is a natural talent like art or music and requires a certain natural preference. In most instances, you have it or you don’t; you like it or you don’t. If the individual has talent for math, this section shows where the greatest vocational interest and motivation occurs, and that is where he/she has probably developed the most talent or could. Low ratings for some or all of these factors imply that math, or possibly that specific application of math, is not a motivational factor to this individual.
Robert is motivated to work with a wide variety of theoretical math concepts; make original application of those concepts; apply knowledge of advanced mathematical or statistical techniques to new areas of challenge, interest, or opportunity. Motivation is derived from conceptual, analytical, curious, and exploratory thinking. Research and theoretical logic probably appeal greatly to Robert’s mind.
Statistical, investigative use of mathematics plays a major role in what motivates Robert. This kind of math is valuable for many kinds of engineering activities: mechanical, systems, hydraulic, geological, computer, etc. Methodical, logical, pragmatic, and objectivism are central to the activity. Computers are typically essential for this work. The above examples of activities and descriptions most likely represent an ideal environment.
(NOTE: Accounting Control of Numbers is “management math” because management uses it for tracking, analyzing, and verifying business activities and performance). Robert prefers management math because it includes a specialization for managing with math, i.e., making management decisions with knowledge gained from this level of mathematical activity. This includes budgets, operation-based forecasts, competitive risk analysis, etc. (NOTE: Chief Financial Officers, Comptrollers, bank officers, CPAs, and auditors rate high in this trait).
Robert has a moderate motivation where business math related to commercial calculations and transactions are called for. This means there exists a natural ability to be competent and accurate with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. (NOTE: Where the ability does not already naturally exist for Robert, in this instance, motivational levels support training, most likely).
Robert does not prefer activities requiring verbatim perception, recording, and/or processing of details, especially where numbers are involved.
Robert may simply lack interest or the motivation to express self vocationally through the use of basic math skills while possibly quite capable. This is most likely demonstrated by consistent inaccuracy when making basic arithmetic calculations.